Giving back to others in the community
Stay tuned as we expand our product offerings to include refurbished items that are in amazing used condition. We intend to donate the proceeds of these sales to disadvantaged and senior citizens clients who are in need of our cleaning services but just can't afford it all themselves.
We try our best never to say, "NO" to anyone that needs professional cleaning. You see all items are donated directly from clients and people in the community then we distribute items to community centers, the kidney foundation, and needed families throughout our business communities.
How to request a pick-up? Requirement: Must be in good re-usable condition. Trash will be billable.
We first try to find families in the area that the item was donated from, if no need is found then we give to the county community center and or shelters.
Do you have items you want to donate or do you want to donate cash?
There's always someone in need of help! That's why we do...HELP!
Family with a baby on the way, need a place to live in Davidson, NC!
Our Town of Davidson Community:
We have a family of five in need of paying their mortgage. Why? Because the Lord tells us to.
So, can you help this family?
If not; that's okay, you don't have to.
God Bless You!
Your advertising or marketing could go here? For details, click here!
Looking for contractors!
Our families!
There was a time in my life when I was the one in need of help.
So, that's why I give back. [A little money goes a long way.]
We have several families desperately needing a cleaning service for several reasons.
Families due to their disabilities, injuries received, or maybe they're on a very tight fixed income and can't afford to pay the full price. The need is there so in advance, thank you for donating to your community!
2024 New Families Submitted: 0
Last donation amount received: $100.00
Money and labor time donated by AMNCLLC:
$105,600.25 as of 12/09/2023
American Maids of NC, LLC tries our best to never turn away local people in need of cleaning services just because they can't afford our prices. So on behalf of these clients receiving your donations; Thank you for all your support and money.
Current Active/Inactive Clients:
2024 None at this time...
2023 Monthly $150.00: Mrs. K... is a permanently disabled woman living in Concord, NC and we gave a percentage off on their cleanings. She pays $124.00 and your help pays $26.00.
2022 Nothing due to Covid and the death of my husband, Michael.
2021 Nothing due to Covid.
2020 Nothing due to Covid.
2019 Nothing this year.
2018 Monthly $95.00: Mrs. D... is a permanently disabled woman living in Charlotte, NC and we gave a percentage off on their cleanings. She pays $65.00 and your help pays $30.00.
2018 One-time $183.00: Mrs. R... is a temporarily disabled woman living in Charlotte, NC and we gave a percentage off on their cleanings. She pays $100.00 and your help pays $83.00.
2017 prior information has been deleted from the site.